Tuesday, August 31, 2021

My learning buffet

I'm interested in molecular genetics technology, pathology, medical/clinical laboratory technician, and cytotechnology for kinda the same reason because i'm curious about the human body. MRI technology because I think operating the machine is really interesting and i'm pretty curious on how it works too. I was hesitant about adding emergency medical technician to the list, but I feel like I work great under pressure. Most of them relate to each other because its mostly lab work. While researching these careers, I think molecular genetics technology and cytotechnology did get my interest.

Monday, August 30, 2021

A picture worth 1000 words


I like this image because it includes other medical doctors there are, not just the doctors you would see in your check ups.

Thursday, August 12, 2021


 Hello!!! My name is Carolina. I've decieded to come back to OSLA for another semester because I really enjoyed learning the lessons from last year. Last year, my masterpiece was mainly about dentistry and how important oral health is. Dr. Preston taught us about time managment, learning what was ours when it came to digital data, and scholarships. I want to look more into medical careers instead of dentistry, not that i'm not interested in it, but I want to explore more.

I have a dream

 During the past week, I began taking a anatomy and physiology course. To be honest, I didn't know what to expect. I thought the course ...